First and foremost, I would like to thank you for even wanting to get to know me. You could be on any webpage in the world but you're here with me haha. To be honest, I'm just a 20 something trying to find my way in this world, fabulously of course. Although, I do not possess a fashion degree or have a long list of reputable fashion internships, I have always had an interest in fashion, style and writing. As a curvy woman, I always wished there were more options out there for me. I would look at magazines and blogs and wonder where I could find clothes like that in my size.. or at least someone who knew. After finishing my undergraduate studies with a degree in Psychology, I decided to use my new found free time in a way that would combine the two things I ♥.
I started The Juicy Journal blog in hopes that it would serve as an outlet for plus size women to find everything fashion, right at their fingertips. From urban celebrity fashion news, and street fashion features to trend alerts, where to shop, and how to find a particular look for less, the Juicy Journal serves as just that.. a JOURNAL for the JUICY!
For questions or business inquiries, please email me:
Twitter: _2juicy_
Instagram: _2juicy_
"Give me some leopard print, a mean shoe and a red lip... and watch me werk."
"Give me some leopard print, a mean shoe and a red lip... and watch me werk."